Decision Trees vs Random Forests

October 25, 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that provides exciting opportunities for businesses and researchers alike. Two popular techniques that are frequently used in the AI field are decision trees and random forests. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between decision trees and random forests and demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of using these methods.

Decision Trees

A decision tree is a structure that starts with a single root node and then branches out into multiple nodes based on specific conditions. The structure is a flowchart-like model that is used to represent decisions and consequences.

Decision trees are relatively easy to understand and are popular in the machine learning community due to their ability to explore complex decision-making processes. They can be used for both classification problems (dividing a dataset into classes) and regression problems (predicting numerical outcomes).

Advantages of Decision Trees

  • Decision trees can be useful for the analysis of a large number of variables.
  • Decision trees are fast and scalable, making them accessible to users in a variety of settings.
  • Decision trees can handle both numerical and categorical data.

Disadvantages of Decision Trees

  • Decision trees can create overfitted models that rely too heavily on the training data, resulting in poor performance on unseen data.
  • Decision trees can be less accurate than other machine learning methods, such as Random Forests, when classifying data.

Random Forests

Random forests is an ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees to improve the classification or regression performance of the model. It works by creating multiple decision trees using randomly selected data from the original dataset.

The model then combines the results of the decision trees to make a final decision. The randomness of the selection of the dataset and the creation of the decision trees mitigate the overfitting problems present with decision trees.

Advantages of Random Forests

  • Random forests can be used for both classification and regression problems.
  • Random forests are more accurate than decision trees when it comes to classifying data.
  • Random forests can handle high dimensionality.

Disadvantages of Random Forests

  • Random forests are not as interpretable as decision trees, making them difficult to understand for users.
  • Random forests are computationally intensive, making them slower when compared to decision trees.


In conclusion, both decision trees and random forests are popular techniques used in the AI field. Decision trees are a good starting point for solving classification and regression problems, while random forests can produce more accurate solutions. However, this evaluation depends on the specific problem and the requirements of the user.


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